How Do You Measure “Success” for a LinkedIn Makeover?

Mar 15, 2016 | Branding, Lead generation, LinkedIn, Marketing, Social Networking, Social Selling

You’re thinking about investing in having a profile makeover done by a LinkedIn expert. Yes, it will be nice to have someone else do all the work for you.  Yes, it will likely get done faster. Yes, they know LinkedIn better than you do, which means the profile will almost certainly be stronger.

But how can you be sure they did a good job?

Is there a way to measure the results?

What should you expect after the profile is updated, so you have confidence that you received good value?

Of course, the first result you should look for is that you are pleased with the way you look on LinkedIn. You should feel that your profile tells your story, gives people the information you want them to have, and makes you look good.

But of course there is more to it than that.

Since LinkedIn is a networking platform, you also want better networking – more interaction. You want to be more visible. You want to be connecting with the right people, and to have higher value conversations.

How can you measure this?


The number of people who view your profile should increase, typically by at least 10%.

A good profile writer will optimize your profile to make you more “findable.” Your profile will show up in more searches and rank higher in those searches. Part of optimization involves including the right keywords in your profile, but it’s more than just keywords.

So more people will view your profile, but it’s not just about quantity – the quality of the people who find you should improve too. You should see a shift in the type of people who view you, to people who are now more relevant to your goals.

Keep in mind… A strong profile is the essential starting point for getting results, but you can boost views even more when you are active on LinkedIn. You might want to get tips from your profile writer or LinkedIn coach for your overall LinkedIn networking strategy.

  1. Connections

You should see an increase in the number and relevance of the people who invite you to connect.

This is where you really start to look for quality over quantity. A good profile tells your professional story and helps you connect with people who you can help and who can help you.

Whether your goal is social selling, thought leadership, branding or job searching, you have a specific audience to reach. Your new profile should bring connection requests from more of the type of people who matter to you.

  1. Conversations

You should have more conversations getting started, and higher quality conversations.

You will likely see this both inside of LinkedIn and in the real world. People will tell you they like your profile, and possibly mention something they saw on your profile as a way to connect with you.

Often this is the most valued result of a profile makeover.

Notice the people reaching out to you, as well as how meaningful the interaction is. Assessing and evaluating the quality of your conversations should not be difficult – it’s just harder to put a number on this.

The End Result

Your finished product should be a new and improved professional image in social media, one that helps the right people find you, gets quality conversations started, and helps you accomplish your goals.

Think of your LinkedIn profile like a good suit. It makes you look good, but it’s the you inside the suit that really matters, and it’s what you say and do that propels you forward.

So consider your new and improved LinkedIn profile as your launchpad. You wouldn’t buy a new suit and never wear it – the same goes for profiles. You’ve introduced yourself. You’ve made a good impression. Now comes the opportunity to communicate, connect, and exchange ideas.

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