Influencer Foundation

For SaaS CEOs and leaders ready to cut through the digital noise, our Influencer Foundation service is the no-nonsense starting point for amplifying your influence on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Profile Optimization: We’re not just sprucing up your LinkedIn profile; we’re overhauling it to ensure that anyone dropping by gets the full picture of who you are, what you’ve accomplished, and the vision driving your company. It’s about presenting you not just as a leader in your field but as the person behind the achievements, in a way that resonates and sticks.

Personalized Content & Engagement Strategy: This is where strategy meets authenticity. We put together a game plan tailored to your goals, complete with a content calendar, posting schedule advice, and engagement tactics that go beyond your immediate network. 


Efficient Process

You’re busy. We get it. That’s why we’ve streamlined this to demand as little of your time as possible—around 3 hours over 4-6 weeks. Here’s what that looks like:

Initial Interview: One hour, one interview. We dig into your story and what makes you tick. This isn’t about checking boxes; it’s about understanding the essence of your personal brand.

Profile Rewrite: Post-interview, we get to work crafting your profile. We’ll get your feedback, make revisions, and won’t stop until it’s spot-on. Expect a draft, a discussion for tweaks, and then finalization. We can even update your LinkedIn and provide a new header graphic for you.

Discovery Call for Strategy: This call is where we align on your strategic direction based on our research and analysis. Then, we deliver your personalized action plan.

Whether you’re executing with us or your in-house team, we’re here to make sure the implementation is smooth. And if questions pop up, we’re just a call away.

No fluff, no fuss—just a straightforward approach to making your LinkedIn presence as impactful as your leadership in the SaaS sector. Let’s get your influence felt, your vision seen, and your network expanded.

Female ceo exuding influence

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