Build a Powerful, Authentic Personal Brand Online

A powerful personal brand has become a crucial factor for CEOs. When you raise your visibility and become better known as a thought leader and industry expert, you have greater ability to secure investment, close deals, attract top talent, and forge meaningful partnerships.

LinkedIn is the ideal platform for building your personal brand, but navigating the intricacies of LinkedIn and achieving the full potential of the platform can be time-consuming.

ProResource offers a suite of LinkedIn services tailored specifically for CEOs and leaders like you.

LinkedIn Profile Optimization:

Have your LinkedIn profile strategically optimized, so it effectively communicates your personal brand, expertise, and achievements as well as your company’s value proposition.

CEO works on optimizing his linkedin profile
Personalized content strategy for linkedin cover image

Personalized Content &
Engagement Strategy:

Have a LinkedIn content and engagement strategy customized to align with your goals. With a strategy that includes guidance on posting schedules, content types, and effective engagement with your network, you maximize visibility and impact.

Thought Leadership:

Collaborate with our content strategists and ghostwriters to create top tier thought leadership articles and updates in a fraction of the time it would normally take.

A group of ceos sharing thought leadership
Social engagement opportunities on linkedin

Engagement Opportunities:

The amount of content shared on LinkedIn is so vast that it is difficult to identify the conversations that matter. When our team monitors posts for you, you stay on top of vital LinkedIn activity with a fraction of the effort it would normally require. You find it easier to like and comment on relevant posts, which fosters stronger relationships and provides the opportunity to engage with thought leaders and influencers to expand your reach.

Advanced Analytics:

With our detailed reports and insights on your LinkedIn presence performance, you are better able to identify and capitalize on opportunities, adjust direction strategically, and stay ahead in the market.

LinkedIn advanced analytics

Our most popular service packages:

Influencer Foundation – Have us optimize your LinkedIn profile & design a LinkedIn strategy for you

Strategic Communicator – For CEOs and leaders on a budget, start with one LinkedIn post a week

Authority Accelerator – Most popular for CEOs, especially those who want to be positioned as a thought leader

Ultimate Thought Leader – Maximize your reach and impact by boosting your posts, doing a limited series podcast, and more

LinkedIn Coaching for Executives – Learn how to leverage LinkedIn

Want to Talk About Your Own CEO Communications Strategy?

Judy Schramm, CEO of ProResource