Best 5 Blog Posts: Social Selling

Jul 26, 2014 | Lead generation, Marketing, Marketing Tools, Nurture, Social media, Social Networking

social media sellingSocial media is far more than a distraction or even a networking tool. Your network may be one of the most valuable resources you have, and it’s time to dive into the realm of social selling (if you haven’t already!). Odds are you’ve been doing social selling for some time, even if you haven’t realized it. Harnessing social media to reach out, share your expertise, and touch your prospects is a phenomenal method of marketing and nurturing.

Here are our top 5 blog posts on social selling:

Social Selling: Step Up Your Game

Social Selling: 1 Big Idea to be 38x More Effective

A Foolproof Approach to Social Media Selling

Social Selling for Sales Leaders: How Social Selling Works

1 Hour a Day = Social Selling Success!

Who else should read this? Please share!

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