CEO Profiles on LinkedIn: 10 More Excellent Examples

Mar 4, 2017 | Branding, LinkedIn, LinkedIn Profile, Social media

(This post has been updated in 2024; see Excellent CEO LinkedIn Profiles)

Have you seen what other CEOs are doing on LinkedIn? Viewing other CEO profiles is a great way to get ideas for your own LinkedIn presence.

Your LinkedIn profile is your online 24/7 presence – as CEO, you have a greater need than ever before for a strong profile that stands out among the crowd. Here are CEO profiles that showcase best practices for LinkedIn profiles.


CEO LinkedIn ProfilesChris Perram
CEO, FileFacets, Corp.

Chris has a great photo. He promotes his company through a keyword-rich summary and attached media. He also blogs regularly on topics of interest to prospective clients.


LinkedIn CEO ProfilesEric Cole
Cyber Security Scientist | Keynote Speaker | Author | Expert Witness | Chief Innovator at Secure Anchor Consulting

Eric’s profile does a great job of showcasing his expertise. His summary is excellent. He also takes advantage of the projects section of the profile – providing more in-depth information on recent work.


CEO LinkedIn ProfilesLiz Ryan
Founder and CEO, Human Workplace; Author, “Reinvention Roadmap”

Liz’s profile probably looks familiar – she’s a LinkedIn Influencer with more than a million followers. She posts regularly and features strong client recommendations. She also includes personal information in her summary and keeps it updated – currently, she’s promoting her new book.


CEO LinkedIn ProfilesMichael Biddick
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Fusion PPT

I happen to know Michael’s company is currently hiring – because he says so right in his summary.  Remember, a profile doesn’t have to be an online resume. Use it to attract the people you’re looking for – whether that’s clients, partners or employees.


CEO LinkedIn ProfilesGerald Shvartsman
Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at Source Outdoor

Gerald’s profile is a great example of how a picture tells a thousand words. His more casual profile photo – sans suit – makes sense, since he’s the CEO of a company called “Source Outdoor.” His cover photo of featured catalog furniture enhances the feel of his personal brand – outdoorsy, hands-on. He looks like he relaxes in the same hammocks he sells.

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CEO LinkedIn ProfilesDan Berger
Inspiring face-to-face experiences through cutting edge hospitality software!

Although we recommend writing summaries in the first person, some people prefer third person. Dan’s summary is written like a magazine article bio, highlighting his career successes, awards and a list of notable clients.


CEO LinkedIn ProfilesFred Diamond
Executive Director, Institute for Excellence in Sales

Fred’s summary is a great balance of information – professional with a hint of personality. Fred includes his contact phone number in his summary to encourage potential clients to pick up the phone right then and there. Don’t forget – if you want to be contacted, make it easy.


CEO LinkedIn ProfilesJohn Asher
CEO at ASHER | Revenue Growth Expert | CEO Advisor | Sales Trainer of 50,000 Sales Professionals | Keynote Speaker

John’s headline is excellent – it’s crystal clear how John can help clients. He also includes recent examples of sales presentations – both PowerPoint and video – so you can get a feel for his work.


CEO LinkedIn ProfilesElaine Gouskos
Information Technology for Bay Area Manufacturing Businesses| CEO & Founder, Just Do I.T.

Elaine does a great job at telling the story behind her corporate vision in her summary. She also promotes her interesting volunteer work, using LinkedIn to share another facet of her professional and personal experience.


CEO LinkedIn ProfilesCindy Praeger
Co-Founder Rhythm Systems | KPI & Dashboard Software for Mid-Market Companies | Strategy, Planning, Team Execution

Cindy uses a conversational style that gives you a taste of her personality and sense of humor. Your summary section is like a cover letter for your profile – it’s the perfect place to use a more conversational style of writing. Cindy also highlights a recent award she’s won.


Want to Talk?

Let’s talk about what you want to accomplish and we’ll provide some free advice. Schedule a 15-minute call. Whether or not we end up doing business, you will come away from the call with insights about social media and personal branding that will be useful to you.

How to Craft a CEO Brand on LinkedIn – 2023 Edition

The ultimate LinkedIn branding guide to build a strong personal brand, position yourself as a thought leader, and raise your visibility on LinkedIn.

How to Craft CEO Brand on LinkedIn by Judy Schramm (2023 Edition)

Who else should read this? Please share!

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