Your 10-Step LinkedIn Daily Action Plan

Feb 23, 2015 | LinkedIn, Nurture, Social Networking

Habits help us do the same thing every day without fail. Waking up, brushing teeth, showering, exercising and so on. It’d be worth adding LinkedIn to the list because it helps grow your business. I know – it’s just another thing you don’t have time for, right? Start small. Try it once a week, then twice until you reach a comfortable pace.

The results might surprise you that you’ll be compelled to do it four or five times a week. If once or twice a week works better, then you can do most of these for longer stretches. The only exception is birthday wishes as you’ll want to send those on the person’s birthday, or close to it.

Here’s your 10-step LinkedIn Daily Action Plan.

1. Check Inbox for messages.

– Respond to inquiries.
– Set reminders for follow-ups.

2. Do follow-ups.

– When someone tells you about a project or big event, follow-up to see how it went.
– After meeting someone at an event, send a resource or something of value.

3. Accept new connections.

– Tag the connections you’ve accepted. Suggestions:

  • Where you met the person. Event, company, party, trade show, social media, etc.
  • How did you meet? In-person, online, phone, etc.
  • Type of relationship: Customer, prospect, group member, coworker, vendor, friend, relative, fellow alumni and so on.
  • Strength of relationship on a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 being weakest and 5 is strongest.
  • What do you want to do with the person? Meet in person, build relationship, maintain relationship, grow relationship, reconnect, etc.
  • Location.
  • Industry.

– Send a personalized welcome message to new connections. (When you accept someone else’s connection and vice versa.) Suggestions:

  • Briefly describe what you do for clients.
  • Mention your email list, why it’s valuable and how to subscribe.
  • Send a link to download a free guide or resource of value.

4. Check Keep in Touch or daily email from LinkedIn Updates.

– Send birthday wishes.
– Congratulate on promotions, job changes and news. (Verify the dates because sometimes it looks new when it isn’t.)
– Traveling? Find contacts in the area where you’ll be to see if they want to meet.
– Share an interesting resource.

5. Post a status update on your home page. Suggestions:

– Interesting articles along with a short comment.
– Inspirational quote.
– Tip based on your expertise.
– Statistics.
– Powerful, professional images.

6. Check your notifications.

– Respond to comments on your blog posts, group posts and status updates.
– Send connect requests to people who engage with your content.

7. Send five to 10 connect requests to people who fit your criteria.

– Check your saved searches.
– Run new searches.

8. Check one or two groups.

– Comment on discussions.
– Answer questions.
– Share content relevant to the group and write a question to use as the title.

9. Check your activity feed.

– Review news.
– Read updates.
– Like or comment on info shared by people you want to nurture.
– Share anything interesting related to the update.

10. Filter a tagged list in Keep in Touch.

– Open the profile page of anyone you want to nurture to endorse them for one skill.
– Send a message.

Try it and let us know how it works for you. What suggestions do you have for this list?

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