Have You Considered a CEO Blog?

Feb 17, 2017 | Uncategorized

With your own blog, you have a powerful way to get your message out to a broad audience – it’s your platform to share your experience, your ideas, and your solutions.

And it’s easier to do than you think.

A blog gives you the foundation for a powerful social media presence. It’s a way for you reach people directly and speak in your own voice. You can motivate and move people to action, tell stories, share your insights and expand on your vision.

We can do all the work for you.

For each blog post you simply have a conversation with your writer – it can be as little as 10-15 minutes over the phone. She will draft the blog post for you, edit and revise, find or create graphics, and publish it for you.

If you want to expand your readership beyond your connections, we can use LinkedIn Sponsored Content ads to insert your blog posts into the LinkedIn news feed of the exact people you want to reach.


Find out what is involved in doing a CEO blog. Just one email a day for 5 days. Sign up now!

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