5 Ways to Use Fiverr

Oct 28, 2011 | Facebook, Marketing, Social media, Social Networking | 1 comment

Using Fiverr for Your BusinessIf you haven’t heard about Fiverr you need to check it out!

It’s a website all about things people will do for $5. You can search gigs – people who have posted what they will do for $5 – or submit your own requests, saying what you would like to have someone do for $5.

Of course there are lots of weird things, lots of useless things. But there is a lot of cool stuff there.

Here are 5 ways you can use Fiverr in your marketing…

Buy inexpensive gifts for clients

If you want to find low-cost gifts you can send by email to your clients, you can find an amazing array of options on Fiverr. For example:

–          Have your client’s name written in the sand of a New Zealand beach (I bet that becomes their new desktop background)

–          Have a poem written about your client

–          Get their photo turned into a cartoon (I bet that turns up on their mobile phone)

–          Have someone sing Happy Birthday to them in a video

Get better known throughout clients’ companies

When you want more people inside your client’s business to know about you, one way to do it is to have something unusual done with their business logo. For example:

–          Have someone put their logo on an umbrella and take a video of someone walking in the rain with that umbrella

–          Have a video of a parakeet walking across a page with their logo

–          Have someone do speed coloring of their logo

–          Have the logo put onto a picture of a pumpkin (like we did here)

–          Have a bunny eat the logo

–          Get the logo stenciled on the foam of a capuccino

Seriously, you can get all of those things on Fiverr right now for $5. And you just know those videos are going to get forwarded throughout the company.

Add funny videos to your YouTube channel or Facebook page

There are a fair number of people who are offering to do a video for $5, and a couple who are offering multiple videos for $5. You can do all of the same things listed above for clients for your own company instead – those are funny, quirky videos that will engage your visitors and get them to comment on your posts.

Get feedback on your website or blog

If you want a man-on-the-street opinion from someone you don’t know, want it fast, and don’t want to spend a lot, try Fiverr.

Buy opinions from 5 or 10 people and you’ll have some interesting feedback for a fraction of what it would cost any other way.

Buy Facebook fans

If you have just launched your Facebook page and you want it to look lived in right away, buy a couple hundred fans for $5.

They won’t interact with your posts or buy your products – all they do is like your page – but that’s enough to allow you to get a branded URL for your page (Facebook currently requires 25 likes before you can get that).

Check out the site – I’m sure you can come up with dozens more ways to use Fiverr to promote your business. If you’d like to share them, comment below.

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