Your Face in Times Square

Dec 18, 2008 | Press Releases | 1 comment

If you are looking to build credibility on your website, here is a really cool idea…

When you send out a press release through PR Newswire you now have the option of getting the image of your choice displayed on one of those huge monitors in Times Square.

You can use your logo, your tagline, your photo, or some other image. It costs $275 in addition to their regular wire charges, which typically run around $300 per release.

It is only up there for 15 seconds – although it will go into rotation with other press release images for 3 days. So it will probably play a number of times.

So what, you say?

Here’s the brilliant part…

They send a webcam photo to you a week or two after the release goes out that shows your image on the huge monitor. Should you want a higher-res image, you just tell them ahead of time and they will send out a photographer to get one for you – that costs an additional $250.

You can put that photo on your website or blog.

No one is going to know how little it costs. They are going to think that you are a really important person (if you use your photo) or that you spent a fortune to get your company advertised in Times Square (if you use your logo). No small company could afford that…

Who else should read this? Please share!

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