Recession Marketing Tips in SoftwareCEO

Dec 9, 2008 | Recession, SoftwareCEO

Not that I’m bragging (OK, I’m bragging), but SoftwareCEO’s email newsletter today features two articles on How to Recession-proof Your Business. Part 2 includes some of my tips on how to market in a recession.

The article can be read for free on their website for the next two weeks. After that it goes into their archives and is only available to subscribers. Unless, that is, you look for it on the In the News page of the JMR website, where it will appear for a very long time (yes, we have permission to do that).

I’m also doing a webinar on the same topic Thursday for SoftwareCEO, along with a couple of the other people who were quoted in the articles. If you’re interested in attending, you can register at They have lowered the cost to $99 (less if you are a member).

They will also probably give me some CDs with the recorded webinar after the fact. I don’t know how many I’ll get – there were about 35 the last time I did a webinar for them, but it depends on the number of people who register. I am happy to send a copy to anyone who wants it – just let me know if you want one.

Who else should read this? Please share!

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