Great LinkedIn Profile Examples for Marketing VPs and CMOs

Feb 13, 2015 | LinkedIn, Marketing, Social Networking

marketing vp cmo linkedin profile examplesDo you save good examples of marketing to help you get ideas? I know I do.

So to save you some time as you are working on your LinkedIn profile, here are some excellent examples of profiles for marketing VPs. Granted, they’re not all flawless, but they will give you solid ideas on how to improve your own.

If you find that you can’t view some of the profiles, it’s not a technical issue. LinkedIn only allows those with basic memberships to view first- and second-degree connections. If you can’t view one of these listed below, go to Google and search on the person’s name. Even if that person is not in your network, you should be able to view their profile.

Rick Glew
Vice president of marketing and operations, TangoTab

Glew’s summary contains something too few of us include in our LinkedIn profile: a portfolio of his marketing and business development work. This is a great idea and example for those with a marketing portfolio.

David Goldstein
Executive vice president, Bottle Rocket

What’s unusual about Goldstein’s profile is the inclusion of a patent. If you have one, be sure to include it. It impresses people when they see a patent because they know it takes work to invent something and follow through with filing a patent.

Janet Johnson
Strategic Marketing Consultant, O’Johnson Partners

You can get a feel for Johnson’s personality just by reading her summary. Here’s a taste: “I’ve been fortunate to have held key marketing positions with top technology companies including Apple, Enron (yes, I have stories; no, not the ones you might think) …” This matches the personality in her photo.

Margaret Pacheco
SVP and COO, Idea Groove

Pacheco takes advantage of LinkedIn’s new profile header for Premium members. Seeing the header, the first thing I thought was “ideas.” Sure enough she works for Idea Groove. Her profile has everything: She’s connected to more than 500 people, belongs to more than 30 groups and follows influencers, companies, news, and a school.

Ted Rubin
The Rubin Organization

The first paragraph of Rubin’s summary tells you about his current work and mentions his book. He follows that with highlights of his online background past beginning in 1997. Because his focus is return on relationships, he closes with facts that show he walks the ROR talk. Rubin’s profile is filled with posts, videos and a link to buy his book.

And here are a few more for added inspiration. Notice that some have advisory and board of director positions that might be useful to you. A couple even have recommendations for those positions.

Gene Cornfield

Louis Columbus
Vice president marketing, iBASEt

Joe Dahleen
Senior vice president, Primary Capital Mortgage

Victoria Harres

Julie Porter
Chief rocker, Front Porch Marketing

What makes a strong CMO or marketing VP LinkedIn profile? Please tell us about a memorable profile or two.

Who else should read this? Please share!

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