Get a Couple More Clients

Oct 21, 2011 | Education, Marketing, Nurture

Nurture Marketing WorkshopAre you looking for a few more clients?

The easiest way to have a steady stream of leads is to set up a simple nurture marketing program designed to get referrals.

Most small businesses are built on referrals.

They are the easiest leads to close. They tend to close faster, and they usually buy more than leads that come in cold.

You can set up an inexpensive program that will reach out to people who could refer business to you on a regular basis. You can use email, you can use social media, or you can do it with regular mail.

You can do it for less than $100 a month (you can do it for free if you need to).

And if you do it consistently, you will be generating a steady stream of leads.

If you would like to have a program like that for your business, sign up for our new Nurture Marketing Workshop.

New Nurture Marketing Workshop

This is a 2-hour online workshop where we teach the basic concepts behind nurture marketing, and then go hands-on – walk you through the steps to design a nurture marketing project for your business.

At the end of the workshop you will have a project plan, ready to work on or hand off to your assistant.

You can use the workshop to design whatever kind of plan you want – you can focus on referrals or you can nurture leads, customers, the press, or whatever group you want.

You can use email, social media, SendOutCards, postcards or letters.

You’ll get a comprehensive introduction to what to do, then you’ll actually create your own project plan.

At the end of the workshop, you’ll have a list of topics for emails/mailings or an editorial calendar for social media posts. You’ll have a starter mailing list. And you’ll have a list of action items for what needs to happen next.

We will share resources – where you can get inexpensive writers (if you need that) or find a good virtual assistant (if you don’t have one yet).

Bring a friend for free

The workshop costs $197, and you can bring a friend for free.

So if you are a business owner, you can bring the virtual assistant who will be helping you with the nurture project for free.

If you are a virtual assistant you can bring a client for free. (Or get the client to pay for it and you come free.)

If you don’t have an assistant (or a client) yet, this workshop will be a good place to meet one. We’re going to have online chat throughout the workshop so you’ll have the opportunity to network with the other participants.

First Workshop

The first workshop is Sunday, November 20, from 2-4pm Eastern.

I hope you can join us.

If you can’t be there live, sign up anyway. You’ll get a link to the recording plus all the materials, templates and worksheets.

If you know anyone else who might be interested, please share this with them.

Who else should read this? Please share!

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