Is Your Pivot Going to Work?

We are all pivoting right now. Launching new products and services, finding new markets, identifying new distribution channels.

If we get it right, there’s massive opportunity. If we get it wrong, we lose money and we lose time, neither of which is plentiful now. But there’s more than the opportunity cost – with each pivot there is a trust cost. How many pivots can we make before our customers and our team lose faith in our ability to weather the storm?

Normally when we pivot, we rely on our knowledge of the market and our instincts, which serve us well. But when everything has changed, the industry is in flux, our assumptions might be wrong. How can we reduce the risk and have more confidence the pivot will work?

What if there was a way to do small, quick, private and inexpensive tests to validate the pivot before you take the leap?

There is, and you can do it on LinkedIn.

Several years ago, we developed a method of doing this kind of testing. It’s an advanced LinkedIn strategy that we call PivotPrecision. Based on Lean Startup concepts, it gives you a way to discover the people who are most interested in what you offer, and what you need to say to get them to engage with you.

Most of our clients who have used this strategy are refining or debugging product launch plans. Sometimes CEOs use it to get real-world feedback on a concept before forwarding to their team for execution. The results are fascinating. Usually it points the path to low-hanging fruit – the most promising way to get early leads. But sometimes it shows that the idea didn’t have as much merit as expected. Either way, it saves time and money.

This is the perfect time to take advantage of the PivotPrecision methodology.

The process is straightforward. We can teach someone on your staff to do the work, then provide support as they execute. Or we can do it for you, allowing you to focus on navigating your business.

Read more in the pdf below (no sign-up to download). Or schedule a 15-minute call to talk about how you can use this to increase the success of your pivot.


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