How to do B2B Blogging or Twittering? Watch Marcus Tettmar.

Jan 13, 2009 | Blogging, Marketing, Social Networking | 1 comment

I talk to a lot of CEOs who are thinking about blogging or Twittering, but are not sure how to get started.

Here’s someone who is doing it right…

His name is Marcus Tettmar, and his company is MJT Net. They are clients of ours, but Marcus was blogging and Twittering long before they started working with us.

His blog is focused on his software. He talks about new features, fixes, issues that came up on their support forums, tips for using the software, and his new website.

It’s pretty techical. Sometimes people worry about being too technical, but it works for a couple reasons. First, his audience is pretty technical so it’s appropriate for them. Second, he uses tons of great phrases that help with search engine optimization.

What are some of the things you can copy?

1. His tone. He talks directly to his users and prospects. He gives them his opinions and insights into what’s going on. You get a really good sense of who he is and how he thinks. That makes you more comfortable with his company.

2. The topics he covers. There are few software CEOs out there who couldn’t blog on these same topics in relation to their own software and their own company.

He uses Twitter too. You can follow him at

He tweets a couple times a day, typically about things that are related to what he is working on, but sometimes about personal issues too.

What can you copy?

1. One of the marketing issues he has is letting people know software like his exists. He does searches on Twitter using phrases that are relevant for his software and connects with those people. He also uses keywords other people might be searching on in his tweets, so they can find him.

2. Twitter gives him a way to build a stronger connection with his software’s biggest fans and his business partners. He follows them; they follow him. It’s a way to draw people more deeply into your business.

Who else should read this? Please share!

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