Get Your Leadership Team

On-Brand and On-Message

Do you want your executives to have a stronger presence on LinkedIn?

In most companies, some of the executives look good, but others have a LinkedIn profile that has not been updated in years. A few may be so outdated they show the wrong employer.

The executives are not telling the company story consistently. They are not on-brand, and they are not on-message.

As a result, people can’t appreciate the full value of your leadership team’s experience and accomplishments.

With their large networks and reputation in the industry, if you could get them looking good, posting and engaging, it would really benefit the business.

You’ve tried, asked nicely and cajoled, but they are too busy running the business to take the time to make improvements to their profile, much less participate more actively in an advocacy role.

Let’s talk!

We have a process for getting executives looking good on LinkedIn and participating more actively – one that we have used successfully for more than 1,000 technology executives at companies ranging from funded startups to Fortune 50.

Spoiler alert: We do the work for them!

Actually, we don’t do everything for them. We can:

  • Write their LinkedIn profile.
  • Design a LinkedIn strategy that aligns their activity with their business goals.
  • Write their LinkedIn posts and executive insights blog posts.
  • Do research and monitoring so they can have a strong presence with a very small investment of their time.

Let’s set up a call to discuss what your current situation is and what you want to accomplish. We will share some ideas, talk about how we might be able to help, and you can see if we’re a fit.

“Our executives are true visionaries, but that wasn’t visible on LinkedIn until we worked with ProResource to build out the personal brand for each executive. Collaborative in their approach, the ProResource team was committed to helping us crystallize our message and align our efforts. Now each exec’s profile reflects who they are — professionally and personally — and we can use their presence to increase brand awareness and support our upcoming launches.”

Janet Lyons, Senior Marketing Campaigns Manager

Schedule a call now