How to Define a Marketing Project the Right Way

Whenever you give anyone a project to do, you’ll get the best results if you provide these 6 pieces of information:

1. What do you want done?
Describe the project and list the process you want them to follow.

2. What else is needed?
Provide whatever materials they are going to need to do the work. This might include a contact database or some files or a list of websites to visit. Whatever it is, list what you are providing them and where to find it or how you are getting it to them.

3. Your deadline
When should the project be finished? If it is a bigger project and there are sub-deadlines,

Giving Green

Put a fresh spin on your next nurture campaign with these “green ideas”. As with any nurture campaign keep it relevant to your client, keep it simple and your nurturing will be well received. Sometimes where and how to begin can be more daunting than the actual task....

More on Learning Styles: Why, What, How, What If?

Teach What You Know
The other issue to keep in mind when looking at the best ways to get people ramped up is whether they are a “why,” “what,” “how does it work,” or “what if” learner.

There’s a whole chapter devoted to this in Teach What You Know, by Steve Trautman, which is a wonderful book all about teaching peers and people you are mentoring what they need to know to do a good job.

The entire book is full of gems – my copy currently has about 20 pages bookmarked. If you ever do mentoring or any kind of informal training, I recommend it highly. He’s also got an excellent website at

Here’s the short version of the chapter on learning styles…

“Why” learners
“Why” learners wants to know why they should care – why they should be learning this, why it is important, why focus on it now. So start your explanation with this.

Topgrading Your Marketing Team

I just finished reading a classic and highly recommended book, Topgrading, by Bradford D. Smart, PhD. It was full of wonderful advice on how to make sure you hire all "A"s (as opposed to "B"s or "C"s) - in other words, the very best people. The problem is that...